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Adams County Court Records

Adams County court records encompass documents and information on legal proceedings in Adams County, Colorado. Typically, Adams County court records cover documents and information on civil, probate, criminal, family laws, and other types of cases heard within the jurisdictions of the various courts within Adams County. Court records documents may include:

  • Case filings
  • Court orders
  • Exhibits
  • Pleadings
  • Motions
  • Judgments
  • Transcripts.

Colorado court records (including those of Adams County) play significant roles in the state and county legal framework. For instance, court records document the procedure for arriving at a judgment and serve as a check for transparency and fairness. In addition to several other purposes, Adams County court records serve as precedents for similar future court cases.

Are Court Records Public in Adams County?

Adams County court records are public. The Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) C.R.S. § 24-72-203 mandates that all government records be available at reasonable times. However, not all Adams County court records are accessible to the public. The following Adams County court records are exempt from the public right to inspect:

  • Juvenile records
  • Confidential records such as Social Security Numbers, financial account information, and medical records
  • Sealed or Expunged records
  • Records barred by federal or state statutes
  • Records that may impact an ongoing investigation
  • Trade secrets or proprietary
  • Attorney-client privilege information
  • National or state security records.

Adams County Court Records Search

There are several options for performing a court records search in Adams County. Depending on the type of records, requesters can search for Adams County court records through the:

Adams County Court Records Search by Name

Several options are available for a name-based search for Adams County court records. Online and offline name-based are available for Adams County court records. To perform an online name-based search for Adams County court records, visit the Colorado Bureau of Investigation website, Landmark Web, and Geographic Information System (GIS) web portals. In addition, requesters can contact the records custodian agency in person and request to access court records using the names of the records owners as search criteria.

Adams County Courts

Adams County's local judicial system comprises the District Court, County Court, and Municipal Courts. The District Court generally has jurisdiction over civil and criminal cases. The County Court handles cases involving amounts less than $25,000 and misdemeanor criminal cases. Adams County Municipal Courts preside over cases of violations of municipal ordinances and regulations within their jurisdictions.

The list below outlines the various Adams County courts and their physical addresses.

Adams County District Court
Adams County Justice Center
1100 Judicial Center Drive
Brighton, CO 80601
Phone: (303) 659-1161

Adams County Municipal Courts
Adams County Justice Center
1100 Judicial Center Drive
Brighton, CO 80601
Phone: (303) 659-1161

Municipal Courts in Adams County
Bennett Municipal Court
355 South 1st Street
Bennett, CO 80102
Phone: (303) 644-3249 ext. 1001

Brighton Municipal Court
3401 Bromley Lane
Brighton, CO 80601
Phone: (303) 655-2064
Fax: (303) 655-2168

Commerce City Municipal Court
7887 East 60th Avenue
Commerce City, CO 80022
Phone: (303) 289-3640
Fax: (303) 289-3704

Federal Heights Municipal Court
2380 West 90th Avenue
Federal Heights, CO 80260
Phone: (303) 412-3523

Northglenn Municipal Court
11701 Community Center Drive
Northglenn, CO 80233
Phone: (303) 450-8701
Fax: (303) 450-8758

Thornton Municipal Court
9551 Civic Center Drive
Thornton, CO 80229
Phone: (720) 977-5400
Fax: (720) 977-5450

Westminster Municipal Court
3030 Turnpike Drive
Westminster, CO 80030
Phone: (303) 658-2240
Fax: (303) 429-8684

Adams County District Court Records

Adams County District Court handles cases outside the jurisdictions of the County and Municipal Courts. In Adams County, the District Court prosecutes felony criminal cases and dispute cases involving amounts higher than $25,00 and conducts sentencing hearings and appeals.

Depending on the type of court records, Adams County District Court records are accessible through the Landmark web or the GIS web portals.

Also, interested persons can call (303) 659-1161 or visit the Adams Combined Court clerk's office between 7.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Monday through Friday at:

1100 Judicial Center Dr.
Brighton, CO 80601
United States.

The Clerk of Court for Adams County is the repository for District and County court records, and there are no charges for viewing such records. However, a requester may be subject to some of the following fee payments to obtain copies of Adams County court records:



Search fee per name on the current system or to initiate search (1980 to present)


Specific records search, retrieval, or redaction


Offline records retrieval (up to five pages)


Offline file retrieval


Copy fee (from paper files cases)

$0.75 per page

Copy fee (from e-file cases)

$0.25 per page

Authentication, certification, or exemplification fee


Postage handling fee (up to 1 oz)


Note: An extra $5.00 fee applies for mail-in requests without the records case number.

Adams County Criminal Records

Adams criminal records relate to documents and information on an individual's breach of the laws in Adams County, Colorado. Criminal records encompass both pre-conviction and post-conviction crime records. Typically, law enforcement agencies are responsible for pre-conviction criminal records.

Keeping Adams County arrest records is the responsibility of the Adams County Sheriff's Office and the various local police departments within Adams County. However, Adams’s arrest records may become part of court records if criminal charges are filed against an offender. Generally, Adams County criminal records are public, but dissemination of information may vary across the various agencies. To access Adams County arrest records:

  • Call the Sheriff's Office at (303) 655-3490
  • Visit the Adams County Sheriff's Office website and download a “Records Request Form”, fill it out, and email it to (requests should include all necessary payments and must be picked up within 30 days)
  • Login to the Adams County website and access the warrant search page

To obtain Adams County criminal records in the possession of law enforcement through the Sheriff's Office, requesters may need to pay the following fees:

Type of Request


Case Report

$5.00 for each case report searched and an additional $0.25 per page

Calls for service

$5.00 for each address searched and an extra $0.25 per page


$2.00 per mugshot

Case Photographs

$5.00 if available

Audio/Video redaction and processing

$30.00 per hour in addition to the cost of removable media

Removable media

$20.00 per removable media (outside removable media are not acceptable)

Jail/medical records

$5.00 for each records search and an additional $0.25 per page

Background & custody letters

$10.00 for arrest/warrants and in-custody information

Custom Request

$30.00 per hour (first hour is free).

Note: Requesters can access Adams County pre-conviction criminal records by visiting the arresting law enforcement agency in person.

Adams County Criminal Court Case Lookup

The 17th Judicial District is the repository for criminal records (post-conviction records) in Adams County, Colorado. Interested persons can look up Adams County criminal court case information online through the Colorado Bureau of Investigation websites. Requesters can also visit the clerk's office at Adams County Justice Center in person between 7.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Get Adams County Civil Court Records

Adams County civil court records are documents and Information relating to civil case proceedings within Adams County's courts. Civil Court records documents and information include:

  • Petitions
  • Summons
  • Filings
  • Pleadings
  • Discovery materials
  • Evidence and Exhibits
  • Settlement Agreements
  • Court orders and Judgments.

Adams County civil court records are public. However, there may be restrictions to certain information for privacy and security reasons. In addition to fee payments and providing identification, a requester may have to state reasons for accessing Adams County civil court records.

The district court adjudicates civil cases in Adams County, Colorado. To access Adams County civil court records, visit the court clerk's office of the Adams County Combined Courts. Requesters can also call the Adams County Justice Center at (303) 654-3239 or email

Adams County Family Court Records

The county District Court presides over Adams County, Colorado family law cases. Adams County family law records encompasses but are not limited to the following types of records:

  • Adoption records
  • Dependency and Neglect records
  • Juvenile delinquency records
  • Judicial bypass records
  • Mental health records
  • Paternity records
  • Divorce records
  • Marriage license and certificate records.

Due to the sensitive nature of some family law matters, family law records may be sealed, and non-involved requesters may require a court order or authorization to access Adams County family law records.

To obtain Adams County family law records:

  1. Login to the Colorado Courts Records Search page and sign up to access the search page
  2. Visit the Colorado Judicial Branch Records Request Page, download, fill out, and email an electronic “Records Request Form” to

Note: Methods for payment and delivery options are outlined on the request form.

Also, requesters can visit the Adams County Combined Court Records Department in person at:

Adams County Justice Center
Attention: Records 1100 Judicial Center Dr. Brighton, CO 80601.

Adams County family law records play a significant role in preserving the rights of individuals involved in family law cases. They also serve as sources of valuable information on family history and as legal documentation of proceedings within the Adams County judicial system.

Adams Dissolution of Marriage Records

Adams County dissolution of marriage records refers to documents relating to the termination of marriages in Adams County, Colorado. Dissolution of marriage records documents includes:

  • Petition for the dissolution of marriage
  • Marriage settlement agreement
  • Decree of dissolution of marriage
  • Parenting plans (if applicable)
  • Child support order (if applicable)
  • Qualified Domestic Relations Order (if applicable).

In Adams County, dissolution of marriage records are public, provided they do not contain parenting or financial agreement information. The Adams County District Court is responsible for maintaining dissolution of marriage records. To access Adams County’s dissolution of marriage records.

  • Login to the Adams County page on the Colorado Judicial Branch website
  • Navigate to the Landmark web official records search page
  • Select the document type and provide the required information to perform a search for dissolution of marriage records.
  • Visit the Adams County District Court or the specific County Court where the dissolution of marriage petition was filed in person and request access to the dissolution of marriage records.

Adams County Marriage and Divorce Records

Adams County marriage and divorce records are part of Adams County Vital Records.

Marriage Records

In Adams County, marriage records include Adams's marriage certificate and marriage license. Marriage certificate records are public, but for privacy and security reasons, there may be redaction of certain information. To access Adams County marriage records:

  • Login to the Adams County Clerk & Recorder’s website
  • Navigate to the “Official Records Search” page
  • Select the appropriate option from the drop menu to access the search page
  • Provide the required information to perform a records search
  • Contact the Adams County Clerk & Recorder's office by phone at (720) 523-6020 or by an in-person visit to:

Adams County Clerk and Recorder's Office
4430 S. Adams County Pkwy.
Suite C2455
Brighton, CO 80601.

Also, Adams County marriage certificates may be available online through third-party websites with databases on marriage records.

Divorce Records

Adams County divorce records are restricted and are available only to the parties to the divorce or their representatives. However, divorce records are publicly accessible after 100 years from the date of divorce.

Depending on the date of divorce, there are several options for accessing Adams County marriage certificates and divorce records:

  • To access records for divorces between 1900 and 1930 and from 1975 to the present, contact the Vital Records Office of the Colorado Department of Health and Environment at (303) 692-2200 or request
  • Visit the Colorado State Archives “Requesting Divorce Records Page” for Adams County Divorce Records from 1904 to 1992.

Adams Birth and Death Records

Adams County birth records and death decrees are official documents and information relating to the birth and death of individuals in Adams County, Colorado. Access to Adams County birth records is subject to restrictions and regulations. Only records owners and their families can obtain Adams County birth records. However, the public can access an Adams County birth certificate 75 to 100 years from the record owner's date of birth.

Unlike the birth records, Adams County death records are public and available to interested persons. To access Adams County birth and death records:

Adams County Service Center Building
7190 Colorado Blvd., Ste. 170
Commerce City, CO 80022

Requesters can also order Adams's birth certificate and death records by email to or the Adams County Department of Health's Vital Records office.

Birth and Death records play significant roles in public health monitoring by providing information that helps to identify health trends and outcomes. In addition, birth and death records are vital statistics for policy formation, funding of programs, and research.

Adams County Probate Court Records

Adams County probate court records are legal documents maintained by the court relating to the distribution of a deceased person's estate. Typically, probate court records documents include:

  • Estate inventories
  • Guardianship records
  • Letter of administration
  • Wills
  • Court orders and Decrees.

In Adams County, the District Court handles probate cases. To obtain Adams County probate court records.

  • Visit the Adams County District Court in person and request access to the probate court records.
  • Login to the Colorado State Archives and use the “Archive Search” tool database to search for Adams County probate court records.

Adams County Property Records

Adams County property records are legal documents outlining real estate boundaries, value, and ownership within the county. Property records information may include:

  • Ownership information
  • Deeds
  • Property address
  • Parcel number or property identification number
  • Property sales history
  • Tax information
  • Property assessment information
  • Building permits
  • Plat maps
  • Liens and Encumbrances
  • Zoning information

Maintaining property records in Adams County is the responsibility of the County Assessor's office.

To access Adams County property records:

  • Login to the Adams County Assessor's website
  • Scroll down and click “Property Search” to access the GIS Property Search page
  • Scroll down and select either “Residential Properties” or “Commercial Properties” to access property records.

Also, Adams County property records are available through the Adams County Clerk and Recorder office. To obtain property records:

Requesters can also call the Adams County Assessor's office at (720) 523-6038 or make an in-person visit to:

4430 S. Adams County Pkwy
Suite C2431
Brighton, CO 80601.

Adams County Court Records Online

Members of the public can look up Adams County criminal court case information online through the Colorado Bureau of Investigation portal. Third-party online resources like may offer a convenient solution for accessing some Colorado Court Records. Such platforms provide accessibility to Adams County public records through user-friendly interfaces and 24/7 access from different locations. However, there are also downsides to using third-party online resources to access documents. Using third-party online resources to access Adams County court records may result in user data breaches, privacy violations, inaccurate data, or incomplete information.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
  • Driving Violations
  • Inmate Records
  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanors
  • Bankruptcies
  • Tax & Property Liens
  • Civil Judgements
  • Federal Dockets
  • Probate Records
  • Marriage Records
  • Divorce Records
  • Death Records
  • Property Records
  • Asset Records
  • Business Ownership
  • Professional Licenses
  • And More!